
Next-gen Workforce: Perspective and Insight from Educators

This is a regular topic for us, but in past episodes, we’ve only discussed from an industry perspective. Today, we look at manufacturing’s next-gen workforce from those on the front lines – educators. Our house, Michael Thiessen is joined by deans from two Oakland Schools Technical Campuses (OSTC), David Wyatt and Paul Galbenski. The group discusses everything from how OTSC works with local school districts to provide students with technical curriculum to what programs are the most popular, as well as the benefits and opportunities these schools and programs provide to students – those who may or may not be on an educational track that includes college. 

It’s an insightful conversation, even for those who aren’t in the area of OTSC, because these types of programs are critical to the future of manufacturing and other industries. To learn more about OSTC, visit

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